Dr Chantal Migone
Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way to protect your baby against certain diseases. It is important that you keep up to date with your baby’s vaccines.
Protect your baby against preventable diseases
Vaccinating your baby on time gives them the best protection against diseases like meningitis, measles and pneumonia.
It takes just five visits to your doctor or general practice (GP) to complete your baby’s vaccination schedule, giving your baby important protection from these vaccine-preventable diseases.
Your baby needs five visits to
the GP to be fully vaccinated.
Arranging immunisation appointments
Sometimes, parents may not have been able to bring their baby for vaccination on time. If you are delayed with your baby’s vaccines, you can get right back on track with your baby’s vaccine schedule by contacting your GP to arrange an appointment.
The HSE will write to remind you to visit your GP for your baby’s immunisations. If you do not get a letter from the HSE, you should arrange to visit your GP when your child is two months old. Your baby needs five visits to the GP to be fully vaccinated. These vaccines are free.
The immunisation schedule
New schedule for babies born from October 2024: There is a new immunisation schedule introduced for babies born on or after the 1st of October 2024. This includes the varicella (chicken pox) vaccine at 12 months of age.
Babies born before the 30th of September 2024 will continue to receive the previous schedule. Your baby needs five visits to the GP to complete their primary childhood immunisation schedule, regardless of when they are born.
For more information, visit www.immunisation.ie