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Home » Clinical Trials » New emergency trial status accelerates major trauma research

Prof Alistair Nichol

Director of the Irish Critical Care-Clinical Trials Network, University College Dublin and Consultant Intensivist, St Vincent’s University Hospital

Dr Kate Ainscough

Irish Critical Care-Clinical Trials Network Manager

Catherine Guinane

Irish Critical Care Patient and Public Involvement Group (ICC-PPI) Representative

Major trauma is a leading cause of critical illness, often requiring intensive care, organ support and mechanical breathing support, with young adults disproportionately affected.

There is a growing need for effective pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies which can reduce injury impact and improve recovery and patient outcomes following major trauma. Prof Alistair Nichol, Director of the Irish Critical Care-Clinical Trials Network (ICC-CTN), explains: “Trauma is a major cause of death, often affecting younger patients. Advancements in trauma care will provide huge benefits for families across Ireland.”

Improving treatments for critically ill patients

The ICC-CTN delivers a national portfolio of critical care trials seeking to identify treatments that can improve outcomes for critically ill patients, including trauma patients.

“A key focus of our research is on biological sampling. By examining markers in critically ill patients’ blood, we can predict injury severity and recovery, and identify therapeutic targets,” explains Prof Nichol. “These efforts, plus recent changes within the clinical trials landscape are some ways in which we are advancing research in this space.”

The most important thing is for
patients to be given the best available
treatment at the appropriate time.

New emergency trial status

The new emergency trial status which came into force under the EU Clinical Trials Regulation, means greater access to research than ever before. “Prior to this new regulation, patients who were unconscious were often unable to participate in emergency medication research, but this change opens up new opportunities to advance trauma care for these patients.” Prof Nichol continues: “Our EPO-TRAUMA trial is aiming to enrol 2,500 mechanically ventilated ICU patients following unplanned major trauma and investigate the use of erythropoietin. Where family may not be immediately available to provide agreement to participate, the new regulations allow us to enrol more patients and provide this treatment early, under strict conditions.”

Patient and public involvement

Dr Kate Ainscough, Irish Critical Care-Clinical Trials Network Manager, says: “We know from patient and public involvement (PPI), our public survey, and focus groups, that people are generally in support of alternative consent methods. Our PPI representatives have an important  role in informing our research strategy, and their feedback improves our research process.”

One PPI representative explains: “My involvement in the PPI group makes it so much clearer to me how important it is to get patients involved in trials. I consider the recent changes for trials involving medicinal products a step forward in the right direction. The most important thing is for patients to be given the best available treatment at the appropriate time.” As part of global collaborative efforts, ICC-CTN partners with like-minded research centres on a national and European level to advance trauma care.

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