Erin Dolan
Diabetes Health Coach, Owner of crazyaboutdiabetes.com and @crazyaboutdiabetes
Challenge yourself
Going after goals — big or small — while managing diabetes is extra effort and sometimes scary. But when you challenge yourself and reach a goal you start to change your mindset. You can progress your diabetes forward while believing in yourself. Also, you’ll find more confidence to set new ambitions. Create realistic goals with a timeline, like running a 5km race in January. Once you achieve it, set a new goal.
Get connected
Living with diabetes doesn’t have to be lonely, so get yourself connected with others. Sharing diabetes stories and daily struggles with other people who have diabetes is good mental therapy because they can empathise with you. In Ireland, there are local meet-up groups and Facebook groups in nearly every county. Get involved, be it at a diabetes-related event or advocacy group or be part of the online community like Diabuddies or the Diabetes app.
Allow your mind to take a break from diabetes. Finding ways to be present in a mindful practice will help reduce stress and revitalise your body.
Find your own meditation
Allow your mind to take a break from diabetes. Finding ways to be present in a mindful practice will help reduce stress and revitalise your body. Meditation can be anything – hiking, knitting, sea swimming, gardening, cooking, cycling, dancing, etc. Find an activity that you enjoy and that gives you a restful mind.
Identify imbalances
I like to call this diabetes mapping. First, take a look at your diabetes and how it relates to your lifestyle and environment. You can start to identify imbalances with your diabetes and where you need to spend more time to create a healthy balance. These areas include technology access, stress management, self-confidence, eating habits, physical activity, relationships, joy and overall health.
Explore food flexibility
People with diabetes can eat all types of food and even carbohydrates. By exploring different food and cooking, you improve your relationship with food. Combine carbohydrates and starchy foods with protein and fibre to stabilise glucose levels. Keep a food journal to better understand your glucose trends with snacks and meals. This data transparency will give you more flexibility with eating.