Anne Daly
Nutritional Coach living with Type One Diabetes for over 50 years, seeing clients on a one to one basis. Help with pre-diabetes and all types of Diabetes. Head to The Artisan Diabetic to find some of Anne’s recipes and top-tips.
Diabetes is a misunderstood condition that can make or break you. We can moan about the lack of services or we can take charge of our own destiny.
What can you do?
- Carbohydrates (carbs) are the currency of insulin. Get to know them; the good, the bad and the ugly.
- Use a carb counting or fitness app to keep track of what you eating. Don’t have a smart phone? Buy a copy of Carbs and Cals, by Chris Cheyette and Yello Balolia, which gives the carbs for lots of everyday food.
- Learn to read food labels. It’s not hard once you get used to it.
- Know your portion size. Packet labels often have crazy portion sizes. Getting familiar with the carbs in the portion size you usually eat will serve you well.
- If your fitness app doesn’t have a built-in step counter, get one. If you start using a step counter you are likely to see improvement in your blood sugar readings.
- Drinking water through the day is beneficial. For anyone wearing a continuous glucose monitor being well hydrated ensures more closely matched readings to blood tests.
- If your blood sugar is too high, try taking one part of the day and work on that. Change your portion size, eat something healthier or exercise. Then move on to the next part of the day.
- Remember having good overnight levels means one third of your life is in a healthy range. A bit of thought about what you do in the evening can help a lot.
Out for dinner and had a crazy night of highs and lows?
- Even after 50+ years of living with Type 1 Diabetes I still miscalculate meals in restaurants. After all who knows what sneaky ingredients the chef added? This is a learning opportunity not a mistake.
- Dealing with blood sugar results can seem like a never-ending exam. Try to see blood sugar results as information to help you make decisions.
- Keep your diet full of unprocessed fresh food and keep your stress levels in check will help your blood sugar levels and keep your whole body healthy.
Go with it!
What worked for me 20 years ago doesn’t work now. Live in the now and use what you learn to help you make decisions. Research what you don’t understand or get professional help if necessary. Every day is a school day with Diabetes!
Doing the same thing and expecting a different result won’t get us anywhere! Take charge of your health today.
Carbs and Cals by Chris Cheyette and Yello Balolia can be ordered in good book stores or purchased online from Amazon or the Book Depository.
Anne Daly is a Nutritional Coach living with Type One Diabetes for over 50 years, seeing clients on a one to one basis. Help with pre-diabetes and all types of Diabetes. Head to The Artisan Diabetic to find some of Anne’s recipes and top-tips.