Enda Egan
CEO, Irish Men’s Sheds Association
Single, widowed, retired, lonely, socially isolated, carer or cared for? There is a warm welcome for you at a Shed — one that’s respectful and without judgment.
Connection alone is reason enough for a Shed in every Irish community for men — who die younger, have higher death rates for almost all leading causes of death and present later to services and supports. Men’s Sheds offer a safe space for men to enjoy and find solace.
Shed a light on men’s mental health
Ireland currently has the highest rate of loneliness in Europe and the third highest incidence of adult mental illness across 36 countries in Europe. When it comes to talking about mental wellbeing, men face societal gender pressures to ‘put on a brave face’ and not talk or seek professional help.
With over 450 Sheds in our local communities and 6–7,000 men a week going in and out the doors, Ireland has the highest number of Sheds per capita compared to any other country.
Connection and initiatives for men’s wellbeing
Over 80% of men say they ‘feel better’ for being part of a Shed and the environment itself is undeniably ‘health-promoting.’ From North to South, East to West, each Shed is as individual as the men who choose to come together to start a Shed based on shared interests like boatbuilding, beekeeping or biodiversity. Connection (and perhaps a kettle) is the fuel of all of our Sheds.
Sheds offer men social, psychological, emotional
and physical health and wellbeing support.
Offering holistic men’s health support
Sheds offer men social, psychological, emotional and physical health and wellbeing support. Their success in Ireland has been extraordinary and builds on the country’s leadership in having one of the first National Men’s Health policies.
Plus, there’s more to Sheds than tea and chat. Walk into your community Shed, and you are likely to discover a bustling hub of creativity and transformation for local men navigating key life changes. They offer spaces for life-long learning and skills-sharing. They are rich in experience and encourage ongoing contribution ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with each other and in their communities.
Transformative, life-saving spaces
Sheds are places where you don’t lose any previous identity; you gain a new one. They are safe, supportive and confidential spaces for men to share their feelings and discuss things they couldn’t imagine discussing outside any other four walls. These spaces have saved lives. For many, the Shed is the ‘why’ that gets them out of bed in the morning and gives their life meaning.