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International Men's Health Week 2024

Why men’s health in construction matters — and where to find support

two men at a construction site who are talking to each other, discussing something on a paper, both with safety helmets
two men at a construction site who are talking to each other, discussing something on a paper, both with safety helmets

Sarah Bolton

CEO, Lighthouse Charity

The construction industry is demanding. Long hours, physical labour and stressful environments can take a toll on workers’ health. Yet, many men hesitate to prioritise their health or seek help.

The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is uniquely positioned as the only charity dedicated to providing emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to the construction community and their families.

Support for the construction community

The charity offers a free and confidential 24/7 helpline, live web chat service and text facility, which provide information, guidance and support on a variety of wellbeing issues. These services are complemented by their free Self Support App and Lighthouse Beacons, providing a safe space for people to share concerns.

Construction statistics and health risks

  • Construction workers are nearly twice as likely to die from heart disease compared to the national average.
  • One in five construction workers experience depression, anxiety or stress.
  • Suicide rates are a leading cause of death for men under 45, with construction workers having a particularly high risk.
  • Men are 40% less likely than women to visit a doctor regularly.

Create a safe space for men to discuss
health concerns without judgment.

Building a culture of wellbeing

Here’s how you can support your teams during Men’s Health Week and create a culture of wellbeing throughout the year:

  • Promote awareness. Organise talks or workshops about common men’s health issues like prostate cancer, mental health and staying active.
  • Encourage preventative screenings. Offer on-site checks for blood pressure, cholesterol and other conditions.
  • Break down the stigma. Create a safe space for men to discuss health concerns without judgment.
  • Promote healthy habits. Provide healthy snacks and encourage breaks for exercise.
  • Offer resources and support. Share information about local health services and mental health resources.

Expert advice and comprehensive services

We have developed and evolved to meet the needs of a changing construction industry, providing expert advice and counselling to those struggling with their emotional, physical and financial wellbeing.

Men’s Health Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues that impact the construction sector. It will hopefully encourage workers to take charge of all aspects of their health. It also enables us to showcase the huge variety of proactive and reactive services that we can offer our construction community.

If you’re struggling, help is here:

For 24/7 Construction Industry Helplines, contact: 0345 605 1956, (UK)  1800 939 122 (ROI)

Live chat: 

Text HARDHAT to 85258 (UK) 50808 (ROI)

If you or anyone you know is struggling, reach out for free and confidential support now

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