Eilís Ni Chaithnía
Ceo, Asthma Society of Ireland
This time of the year can be challenging for those with asthma. Here’s how you can manage your condition over the winter months.
Ireland has one of the highest rates of asthma in the world — approximately 450,000 people in the country currently have asthma, and almost 890,000 people will experience the condition at some stage of their life.
Effects of winter on asthma
Winter can be particularly challenging for people living with asthma, with cold weather triggering symptoms and an increased prevalence of other conditions such as flu, RSV and COVID-19, which can exacerbate the condition. This is why it is essential to monitor your (or your child’s) asthma and be aware of any changes, particularly over the winter months.
What to watch out for
If you have increased symptoms of cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance or waking at night, this means your asthma is getting worse and you should see your doctor. If you are using your reliever inhaler more than twice a week, this means your asthma is poorly controlled and you need a review. If your symptoms worsen and do not respond to your reliever inhaler, this could be an asthma attack — follow the ‘5 Step Rule’ (a checklist for an asthma attack, available on asthma.ie) and seek medical help.
The Asthma Society is there for you, whether
you’re worried about your asthma or you
need help supporting someone with asthma.
Top asthma tips
- Take your medications as prescribed, even when you are well
- Have an updated written Asthma Action Plan (available on asthma.ie)
- Get your vaccinations as recommended by your GP
- Get an asthma review and have your inhaler/spacer technique checked
- Eat a balanced diet
- Exercise regularly
- Don’t smoke
- Wrap up well when out in the cold weather
- Know the ‘5-Step Rule’
The Asthma Society is there for you, whether you’re worried about your asthma or you need help supporting someone with asthma. We have a team of expert nurses ready to provide free advice and support if you have any questions or worries over the Christmas period.
The team can be contacted via phone on 1800 44 54 64 or WhatsApp message on 086 059 0132. More information and resources on asthma.ie.