Claire Burrows
Clinical Lead, Now Nourish
Many women see periods as a hassle or painful struggle, but they can actually serve as a valuable indicator of overall health, offering insights into wellbeing and hormonal balance.
Your cycle is more than just a countdown to your next period. Like heart rate or blood pressure, your menstrual cycle can reveal hidden imbalances, from nutrient deficiencies to high stress levels. Instead of fighting against it, learning to work with your cycle could be the key to better energy, mood and long-term health.
What your menstrual cycle is telling you
A smooth, predictable cycle without extreme PMS, heavy bleeding or irregular timing is a sign that your body is thriving. If your cycle is painful, unpredictable or missing entirely, your body may be waving a red flag.
- Are your hormones balanced?
Irregular periods, acne or mood swings can signal thyroid issues, PCOS or excess stress hormones disrupting your natural rhythm. - Are you getting enough nutrients?
Heavy periods could mean low iron, while painful cramps often point to a magnesium deficiency or excess inflammatory foods. - Is your metabolism working efficiently?
A cycle that’s too short, too long or unpredictable might indicate blood sugar imbalances, which are often linked to insulin resistance. - Are you under too much stress?
Chronic stress can shut down ovulation, making cycles irregular or causing skipped periods. High cortisol also affects sleep, digestion and mood stability.
Small, simple changes can make
a huge difference in how you
feel throughout your cycle.
Imbalances affect more than just your period
Menstrual health is closely tied to heart health, as oestrogen plays a critical role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and blood vessel function. Likewise, a regular ovulatory cycle is essential for bone density, as oestrogen and progesterone help maintain bone strength. Suppressing symptoms with medication may provide short-term relief, but optimising hormone balance naturally can provide lasting benefits for both menstrual and fertility health and overall wellbeing.
Simple steps to a better period
Many women are told their cycle struggles are just part of being a woman. Yet, the truth is, your body is constantly responding to what you eat and how you live. Small, simple changes can make a huge difference in how you feel throughout your cycle.
- Balance blood sugar to reduce PMS and mood swings: Skipping meals or relying on caffeine and sugar causes insulin spikes that worsen cravings, bloating and fatigue. Instead, aim for protein, fibre and healthy fats in every meal.
- Support your liver to clear excess hormones: Your liver helps process oestrogen, and when it’s sluggish, bloating and period pain increase. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale and cauliflower support detoxification, reducing symptoms like breast tenderness and hormonal acne.
- Eat healthy fats for hormone production: Hormones are built from fats, so a low-fat diet can throw things off balance. Omega-3s from salmon, flaxseeds and walnuts, plus avocado and olive oil, support hormone health.
- Boost magnesium and B vitamins for fewer cramps and more energy: Magnesium, found in leafy greens, nuts and dark chocolate, helps relax muscles and ease cramps. B vitamins from eggs, whole grains and lentils improve mood and brain function.
- Eat with your cycle for less stress and more balance: Each phase of your cycle has different needs. During your period, iron-rich foods like spinach and lentils help replenish lost nutrients. In the luteal phase, protein and healthy carbs can curb cravings and stabilise mood.
By making small, intentional choices, you can turn your menstrual cycle into a sign of thriving health instead of a monthly struggle.
Discover which foods will support you during your period with our free meal plan: https://nownourish.ie/iwd-meal-plan/